Encrypted subscription button has stopped working


I am using the Button Manager API to create dynamic (encrypted) subscription buttons (using .NET).


We have an existing set of subscribers but don't often get new ones. Probably haven't had a new one for the last year. Last week someone tried to subscribe and the price was missing when redirected to the paypal site. The item name was there, so was the currency, but they could enter whatever they wanted for price per item. I had a closer look and it appears paypal is not handling this button as a subscription and hence ignoring all the subscription parameters. If the user enters an amount, they can check out but it's like a buy button, not a subscribe. Similarly, if I add "amount" into the button it shows, confirming that paypal is processing this as a normal buy button and not a subscription button.


If I turn off encryption to test, the button with all the same parameters works fine and I can subscribe with all the right values there.


Has something changed in the last year, or do I need to update something to fix this? I've had this working without touching it for close to a decade, and all of a sidden it has just stopped.



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