Being asked to print a shipping label but I don't require a shipping label


Hi all. 

I sent an invoice for editing services and the author paid but now I'm being asked to say that item has shipped and as there's nothing physical involved I'm unsure what to do and can't withdraw the money from my account. 


Has anyone else come across this issue? 


Thanks in advance.


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Accepted Solutions



I recently had a similar question. My question was:


"PayPal saying I need shipment/tracking information when my company provides services only

Under "Activity" "Transactions," when I'm looking at all my invoices and transfers, I notice some of the Actions in the far right column say: print shipping label and add tracking. My business sells services (intangible goods). I don't know how these actions are created. Does anyone know?"

The Answer given to me:

Click “Add tracking info” button to update order status to “Order Processed”. Afterwards, you may ask buyer to confirm receipt. The option for your customers to do so will be available after 48 hrs from order status update.


Here is how the other person confirms receipt:

Here's how to confirm you've received an item:

  1. Click Activity at the top of the page.
  2. Find and click the original payment for the item.
  3. Click Confirm receipt.
  4. Click Yes to confirm that you received the order.

***Not all purchases require receipt confirmation.



Hope this helps!

View solution in original post

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I recently had a similar question. My question was:


"PayPal saying I need shipment/tracking information when my company provides services only

Under "Activity" "Transactions," when I'm looking at all my invoices and transfers, I notice some of the Actions in the far right column say: print shipping label and add tracking. My business sells services (intangible goods). I don't know how these actions are created. Does anyone know?"

The Answer given to me:

Click “Add tracking info” button to update order status to “Order Processed”. Afterwards, you may ask buyer to confirm receipt. The option for your customers to do so will be available after 48 hrs from order status update.


Here is how the other person confirms receipt:

Here's how to confirm you've received an item:

  1. Click Activity at the top of the page.
  2. Find and click the original payment for the item.
  3. Click Confirm receipt.
  4. Click Yes to confirm that you received the order.

***Not all purchases require receipt confirmation.



Hope this helps!

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