A client has charged back and I believe he's trying to scam me.

New Community Member

This is my first chargeback/problem I've had with someone through Paypal, so I'd just like any help or advice if possible.
I have done the work as ordered, sent him part of it to try out, and the client has now charged back. I tried disputing it, but I've just been informed that not only have I lost around £50 GBP, but an additional £14 has also been taken on top of that, and I have no idea what I can do about it? Is there any way I can get my money back? Will PayPal help me out or does it have to be the client, who's 'playing dumb' and clearly coming up with every excuse under the sun to avoid giving me back my money.

This is essentially what happened:
In mid-April, the client came to me requesting a pack of 13 custom fire vehicle liveries/skins for me to make for his gta5/fivem server. I made example skins for him to try out and show off to his community. We eventually finalized an overall design that he wanted for the 13 vehicles and I began work. After the original skin was made and sent over I continued making the rest and sending updated photos of progress with the order, to which he replied with such things as 'That's sexy as <remove>, 'It’s hot', 'Ouuu damn'. At no point did I hear any complaints or mention of the payment over the last 20ish days. Furthermore, I asked him if he had a deadline for his order, to which he replied to not worry too much and take my time. I provided constant updates and in fact, prior to receiving the email informing me of this, I had actually completed his order, today. Finally, the client has not attempted to contact me at all about the order or payment, even though they do have more than one way to do so, discord and Snapchat.
The client has charged back claiming it was an unauthorized payment even though I was speaking with him whilst he sent it. 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



A chargeback is not a paypal dispute, in this case the buyer has gone directly to their card issuer to chargeback.

So the card issuer makes all the decisions on behalf of their client and all paypal does is pass on any information you have to the card company on your behalf.


If they find in favour of their client then they are reimbursed and you get charged the card issuers processing fee of £14.

If you met all the requirements of paypal seller protection you may have been reimbursed the funds you lost but sadly there is no paypal seller protection for virtual / digital sales, you can sell them but unfortunately at your own risk.


Maybe consider a small claims court action if the buyer is in the UK as well?


Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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