Unable to turn auto-login off!!


This is completely outrageous - Paypal is auto-logging into my company's account, so I am unable to make any purchases on my laptop using my own account!  It doesn't even give you the option to switch accounts!  The first time it happened I googled how to get it to stop, followed the instructions, only to find out that my company's account says "One Touch is turned off on all devices" - I REPEAT, I AM UNABLE TO MAKE ANY PURCHASES USING MY OWN PAYPAL ACCOUNT. What gives?

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Hello @sparkerart


Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum! I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues logging into your account. It sounds like your business login information may be saved in your browser's settings for PayPal.com. Have you tried clearing your browser's cache, cookies, and history to see if that helps? Also, have you tried logging in through a completely different device or possibly the PayPal app. That may do the trick. Otherwise, you're welcome to reach out to our Customer Support teams for assistance. 


Good luck and best wishes!


 - Jon K

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