Phone number changed - can't log in


My mobile number changed a few years ago but I never updated my profile. 

Now I can't log in as Paypal wants to send me a text on the old number to verify the account.

I've tried logging in from a different browser which doesn't work.

Also tried using the Help Chat system, but this also requires me to log in to proceed.

Tried ringing the help support number but spent ages going round and round in circles with the automated options, could not get to a point of speaking to an actual person.

Funny thing is, when I selected 'Ask the Community' to access this forum, it allowed me to log in to create this profile to do this!

Really stuck as to how to resolve. Would really appreciate if anyone can offer some help with this please?

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Hi all. As my wife has been changed number from 064 to 060, old carrier has been deleted her number from the system and when we tried to login back, it sends message to that old non existing number. What is solution, as we can't log in back? Regards.

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New Community Member

as a guy from europe i get **bleep** off totally of how idiotic system paypal has. 

I called to bank, delete my card and create new one. Problem fixed.

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I lost my previous phone & SIM card that’s way I don’t have access to my previous phone number , I have e mail and password for my PayPal account but I can’t login because of phone number so how I can change my phone number
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Ask customer services to log you in so you can add your phone number, use the guest option when you phone if you can't log in?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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New Community Member

Logging into my older account without a phone number. I am out of states and i dont have my us phone number anymore, I tried to use my current number but thats not accepted. Anyway i can contact support over email or get around the phone number verification on the login. 

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New Community Member

I would like to log into an old Paypal Account, but there is an old mobile phone number for the 2 factor authentication registrered. Unfortunately I cannot create a new account because it says the bank account is already connected to a different paypal account, which I do not have access to.

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New Community Member

Hello Folks,


I can enter my PP account from my cell phone without issue, but the detailed reports I need are not available on the PP app.


On the Laptop, PP says it will send a code by email to one of the emails on my account.  The emails on my account are working and tested.  I never receive these emails; and they are not in my spam folders, they simply appear to be never sent.  Therefore logging in with the email security option does not work for me.


Also on the Laptop, PP wants to send me a text message to an old phone number NOT the phone number on my account profile which is updated and current.  I have contacted PP by phone many times to remove this old phone number but nothing changes.  Each time I call  support they tell me the old number is removed and the new number is added, BUT each time I try to login I am only given the option to send a code to the old phone number. 


I am simply trying to run my business and the extra time, stress and angst caused by not being able to login and get the reports I need is getting in the way.   Can somebody offer a solution? 


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I have 3 phone numbers on my account - my new primary I added today, one that was added but never confirmed, and another old number. I no longer have access to the latter two. I am unable to remove them, I keep getting an error message. I am also being told my new number isn’t accepted when trying to add money, even though it was accepted (and confirmed by text) as my primary minutes prior. I’m so confused and unsure of what to do.
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I have a problem with login process, in the verification step I'm requested  to add phone number and when I add the phone number I get the following error "This type of phone number isn't supported. Check your number and try again.". 

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I am Hungarian. I changed my phone number. I cannot log in. The Paypal "contact us" phone number on the PP page is Hungarian, but not Paypal's. It leads to a Hungarian mobile company's helpdesk. There is no Paypal option there.

I have absolutely no idea what to do.

Pls help!


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