"There's a problem with the info you entered. Please check it and try again."


Keep getting this error message when I try to login on the Paypal app on android.  Been using it for years without issues.  I can login fine via my pc with the same credentials, but the app seems to be rejecting my login.  Nothing suspicious, no messages or anything, just the error message in the topic when I try to get in via app.  Anyone else have similar issues or have a solution?

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Hello oomps,


Thanks for reaching out to the PayPal Community for help. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application? Have you checked to see if you are trying to log in with your password when the app is asking for your pin or vice versa? 


Does your login work when you try to do so on the mobile web browser? 

- PayPal_Rich

As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters always point in the right direction.
- Irish Proverb
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I am having the same issue which started on 4/11/20, and since I was afraid my account was compromised, I immediately logged in through the Web Browser, with the same credentials and I was able to change my password.  I went right back to the App and tried the new PW and had the same error message.  I then uninstalled the app from my Android device and reinstalled from the Play Store and I re-entered my login info and was able to get into my account successfully.   Now after a couple days I am having the EXACT same issue again trying to use the PayPal App.  Same error message.  Web access works on both mobile device and PC.  Please look into this further.   Thanks. 

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I see this has been a problem since at least 2019. I too get this error in August 2021 on my android phone, using the PayPal app and web page. I've Uninstaller the PayPal app. But, of course, I still get the error on the web page. I've cleared browser cache and restarted the phone. No change. So frustrating I can't access my account from my phone. I must access PayPal.com page from my PC. Will this ever be fixed?
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This constantly happens with the Paypal Credit website when trying to send a secure message on any browser (all extensions disabled)

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I'm getting the same error through two different browsers when I try to send a secure message.

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Check your antivirus.  I turned off Avast AntiVirus and was able to send the message with no problems.  Before that, I was getting the same message.

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"There's a problem with the info you entered. Please check it and try again." error I get when Im trying to send money =(


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New Community Member
Same here. Tried reinstalling the app and still get this error.
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me too


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