My whole user experience with PP is solving captchas.


How can I (not PP as they don't seem that interested) improve that?

In spite of having trusted devices and browser, an authenticator app on my phone, I am about to throw up from this whole "user" experience. It happens when I log in , it happens when I try to make transactions. I never get this treatment on any of the sites I've ever used. What makes PayPal so damn special, captchas aside? Between me and PP, it's actually the latter that is shady, which is about the only funny angle in all of this. Is it possible to ever go back to using PayPal and not seeing  a single captcha? I've sent emails to PayPal so I'll wait to see what and if they answer. In the meantime I thought about asking here too. What do you think , why does it happen and how to get rid of them?


Hell yeah, I had to solve one even to send this post. How cool is that.

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Figured your problem out yet? I'm having the same issue when trying to make a transaction. I can make transactions with Google browser, but not DuckDuckGo. Guess DuckDuck blocks too many trackers for PayPal to work right. Hope they fix it, I quit Google cause of the tracking.
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Same problem here. Considering giving up on PayPal as it's making our working lives hell, having to complete many captchas per day. 

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