PayPal is blatantly misleading merchants and their customers

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So I have been a PayPal member for a while now.  This was going to be my first time using the "send an Invoice" option because PayPal is a trusted name and my customer wouldn't have to have a PayPal account.   Why do I think my customer wouldn't need a PayPal account?   Well, because PayPal said so - here is the exact wording: 

Create Invoice


Bill customers, individuals or groups by email with an invoice, even if they don't have a PayPal account! Include fields for item detail, quantities, tax and shipping. The recipient will receive an email with instructions on how to pay you using PayPal.


Hmmmm...  I sent a test invoice to another e-mail address I have.  When I received the e-mail I clicked on the link to pay the invoice.  I was NOT given an option to pay any other way than to set up a PayPal account.  I was NOT given the option to just pay via credit card.


Either this is bait & switch or blatant false advertising.  I have seen numerous complaints that when people respond to the e-mail that the link to pay via credit card is small and hard to find, but it seems that the option to do that is gone completely now!


Sorry,  I am NOT going to use PayPal as a payment processor if my customers all have to sign up for PayPal.  I would consider it if I was given some kind of kick back but as it stands I would just be making it more difficult to get money from my customers.


Maybe I am missing something here, I would really like for a PayPal rep to contact me to explain what I and many others seem to be missing.   Otherwise I will take my business elsewhere...  Too bad, PayPal has made such a name for themselves, it seems that they are shooting themselves in the foot with these issues..


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Did you read palls message? What your missing is the fact it NO WHERE states you can pay any way OTHER than PayPal. Why do you think it is misleading? It CLEARLY states you can BILL or invoice anyone whether they are signed up with PayPal or not. You even stated it worked for you (I assume you aren't

@NinjaMan wrote:

So I have been a PayPal member for a while now.  This was going to be my first time using the "send an Invoice" option because PayPal is a trusted name and my customer wouldn't have to have a PayPal account.   Why do I think my customer wouldn't need a PayPal account?   Well, because PayPal said so - here is the exact wording: 

Create Invoice


Bill customers, individuals or groups by email with an invoice, even if they don't have a PayPal account! Include fields for item detail, quantities, tax and shipping. The recipient will receive an email with instructions on how to pay you using PayPal.



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See the Tip titled:


Things to know Website Payments Standard's Credit Card Option or PayPal Account Optional as referred to in the User Guides:

It can be found here.  Note the section on there are specific reasons the Credit Card Option may not be available.

Also check out this link as it tells you what PayPal features are available to what countries.








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