Fraudulent billing of PayPal fee.


This is not so much a question as a statement by a PayPal user caught unaware of PayPal's fees. I was, perhaps naively, going along not realizing that PayPal charges a fee for their service,  This didn't dawn on me until I noted a $0.35 fee on a $1.70 (total of postage and item) sold on eBay.  Going back further, I saw that similar exhorbitant fees also showed on my other sales, all of which were in the low dollar value.  Phoning eBay customer Service (at least they have an 800 number) resulted in me learning that eBay's fee on this item was only 8c.  The service rep professed no knowledge of why I was charged 35c.  Phoning PayPal (at my expense), I learned of their fee schedule, of which the 30c minimum obviously creates a distorted picture on a low dollar value sale.

The reason that I'm calling this FRAUDULENT, is that on the PayPal invoice, the fee is listed as "Ebay fee".  Had they provided seperate listings for Ebay fee and PayPal fees, I would have wised up sooner to this underhanded billing practice.

Anyone want to start a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against PayPal? 

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So in other wrods when you clicked on the "I agree" to terms of the Paypal User Agreement, you didn't read the User agreement.


The paypal user agreement spells out what fees you are charged.  Standard rate is 2.9% + .30 cents.


It states ebay fee because it was for an Ebay sale.


Had they provided seperate listings for Ebay fee and PayPal fees


How about User agreements, Ebay has one which lists their fees and paypal has one that lists their fees.


Your post just shows that you didn't read the user agreements, and just clicked on a link stating that you did.


Phoning PayPal (at my expense),


Next time try the toll free number



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Seriously, read the user agreement! If you can't fully understand what's written take it to a lawyer and have them tell you what it says. I really can't understand why people don't read these, what else do you have to do anyway? Smiley Happy

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