Only Accept Funds by Sending Invoices, not Direct Payments

New Community Member

Hello, Community!


I have never had to post a question before, as PayPal normally works well for me. Maybe someone has an answer for me. 🙂


I use PayPal invoices as an integral part of my business records; to control inventory, record revenue and PayPal fees, etc. I use PayPal for about 80-90% of my transactions. 


I will occasionally have a customer that will do an end run around my sending an invoice and just PayPal the money to my email address. This completely negates the benefits of invoicing. I will refund them their funds and have them then pay the invoice, but by PayPal's policy, I am stuck with the fees on the original transaction.


Is there any way to change a setting in my account that will not allow someone to send me funds without my sending them an invoice? Words in emails to try and prevent this seems to have no affect; we all know how completely our emails are fully read (sarcasm).


Thank you for your assistance,


Winter <removed>

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