PayPal account is limited but I can't Resolve this issue


I have account limited sine 27 Jul, 2016  but now this can't Resolve yet !!


PayPal Required Response about 3 document.

  1. "Confirm your credit card"  -->  Sure I try to click Resolve and follow step to add my credit card (On account have 1 credit card that I confirmed)  but when I add same credit card they told me for my credit card added but !!,  this is issue still show message "Waiting for your response" ???  What ???
  2. "Photo ID" --> I sent my passport and them resolved in just 5 minute !!
  3. "Proof of Address" --> I sent document already sine 30 Jul, 2016 ,, Yes !!  that still show "In progress"  this so long timeeeee for review ?  Do you think same me???

Why this so long and can't confirm my credit card?? Am try to Phone to PayPal, them just told me will help me, will help me....???


and try to DM with @AskPayPal on Twitter sill waiting response this...


Please review this my account

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

I think you having problems trying to confirm the card slowed down their ability to confirm address.  They need to check the address against the address of the card.  There was another person with the same problem.  Were you able to complete the card confirmation process with the 4-digit PayPal code?

Kudos & Solved are greatly appreciated. 🙂
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