After receiving the security code text yesterday, I replaced my password with a 20 mixed character password. 20 is the limit. The very next morning I received a code text again. I'm so frustrated because I have several accts linked to my paypal acct. I have been hacked through paypal before so I want to shut it down. But because I have had paypay for over 20 years I'm emotionally attached to it. Soooo I linked my paypal acct to my cash app with a minute amount of cash in it. Don't know what else to do.
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@Naglefar The advice on opening dispute has worked for many so I will continue posting it, the fact it did not work for you is irrelevant as its not posted just for you. Paypal doesn't choose who you buy from, you do, paypal can't vet every single merchant in over 200 countries worldwide, that is why they give you buyer protection. However that protection is not a 100% guarantee cover of everything so its up to you to risk assess your own transactions. Avoiding Chinese tat on Social Media websites is a good start. To recognise them - 1. No return address on the returns policy. The site will look as if its in your country (where they despatch goods from) but they will ask for returns to go back to China (returns depot) at a shipping cost often more than the item is worth. 2. No contact telephone number. if you click on contact the most you will get is webmail or an email address. 3. Rarely company address information. 4. Great pictures of items at bargain prices that turn out to be tat. 5. Fake reviews. 6. Google and you can often see previous company names as they change them once enough claims roll in and Paypal stop them using their services and start over. 7. Send fake tracking numbers to win item non receipt of item claims.
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@xploit92 Hello, did you manage to resolve your issue? And if you did how did you go about it? I am currently having the same issue where I transfered money from my mpesa account to paypal, the amount has been deducted from mpesa yet its not reflecting in my paypal balance.
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Greetings, how do i connect my lesotho account to wise? Ive been trying but its quite confusing🙏🏽And if there’s another way you found to withdraw from paypal in lesotho i’d really appreciate it
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I had the same problem with Samsung Galaxy a13. IN Settings, Notifications, Do not disturb. (bottom of screen) Found the problem was in settings ADD schedule, Do Not Disturb. Turned it to off, then, in for how long. I just clicked on Ask every time, problem solved.
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I have been a loyal Paypal customer since 1999 (23 years). I've had no issues until 8/9/22 when I suddenly received this "Bad Request: Your browser sent a query this server could not understand." I spoke to various reps at Paypal Credi[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]since 8/9/22 and they state this is a known issue, a ticket has been sent to IT on behalf of the callers and unfortunately there is no ETA on the debug. My only choice is to call in payments for now. This bug has been going on for over a month now and if they don't get it fixed within the next month, I'm going to close my Paypal account.
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