So Frustrated! I ordered 2 pairs of Uggs from a site I have used before. Upon check out, someone hacked the Ugg stores site, stole my payment made through paypal via my American Express card. I get a Paypal verification that my payment had been accepted. Next day, Ugg store sends me a email asking me to pay for my Uggs. I email them back, I had already paid and please ship my Uggs. Ugg store emails me back stating they did not recieve my payment, they had been hacked. I file a claim stating I bought Uggs via the website I used, and that I did not buy anything from "MARK PAYPAL"! "MarkPaypal" provided a bogus USPS tracking number, That DOES NOTE EVEN MATCH the address the Uggs were SUPOSED to be shipped to......MY ADDRESS in IDAHO. "MARKPAYPAL" has a phoney invoice stating the shipping address IS my address in IDAHO, but the bogus tracking number sends them to MICHIGAN and a person named "KTRIPI" signed for them.......1 day AFTER my card was stolen. This means, within less than 20 hours....I bought, paid for, shipped and recieved 2 pairs of Uggs FROM shipping......Are you kidding me??????????? Paypal just denied my claim due to insufficient evidence that I did not order these! I did not order them via MARKPAYPAL MARKPAYPAL can not provide the invoice for the Uggs I ordered, becuase I did not order them from this fraud. MARKPAYPAL provided a bogus tracking number that delivered them to a address totally different from the shipping address provided by ME during checkout from the Original Ugg store....clear across the United States. I thought PayPal helped with these things. I can NOT believe, with all of this evidence, they said I did not have evidence. Look at the tracking number PAYPAL.....look where they went???? I have called my credit card company.....but I still have nothing....What do I do? Thanks for your help in advance
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