The story is this. I created new account and the same day created such payment request to see how things work out. This was good, and that request was "Pending", it was sent out and its adressee received his email.
Then in a couple of days I wanted to create a real request. Repeating the very same steps, with maybe a different comment, and also three emails of adressees instead of one I was getting at the last step.
"Sorry, you're not authorized to perform this action.
If you keep seeing this, please contact Customer service."
I tried a few times, leaving just one email and repeating the comment the very same way I had it on that first successful request.
I thought I might hit some limitation and I verified that my profile/account does not have any.
Then I cancelled first pending request, but I could not still create a new one.
And finally I could not create EXACTLY the same I created two days ago.
Next, I thought maybe I would create the request from mobile app? And there I could not even reach even threre because at the step where I specify currency, I could not change default PLN to USD I needed (I could easily do it in desktop browser).
Then I started exploring support options finding out they are really limited, and suddenly my next attempt succeeded.
TBH this experience is frustrating and the who system does not leave a feeling of reliable.
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