Forum Posts

Is identity API available for sandbox?

Hello everyone! I need help with using identity API on the sandbox environment. I want to list users using . However I got 403 all the time ({"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:...

Resolved! Unable to Confirm Sandbox Email Address

I have created a sandbox account that needs the email address that linked to the gravity forms add ons Paypal Checkout. I cant use the add ons if my email is not verified and im not getting any email. please helpmerchant ID on PayPal: MZH7PCASNG4Q2

Resolved! Subscription approval link leads to Error 500

I am implementing the subscription REST API, and during my tests, I am trying to open the approval web page in the response links  And all I see is a blank pa...

Resolved! Sandbox onboarding

I am trying to test my onboarding integration in Sandbox environment, I am getting the error "NOT_AUTHORIZED", it is a sandbox, it should work without filling the 

jaxopaxo by Contributor
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