Forum Posts

Friends Invitation Award

There is a promotion from PayPal to invite friends and there is a prize for each person of $10 and I have already invited three of my friends and of course we have applied all the conditions since a week but none of us got this prize can someone expl...

prodotto danneggiato durante trasporto

Ho ricevuto un articolo usato, che si è danneggiato durante il trasporto. Paypal rimborsa visto che ho pagato tramite il loro circuito? Grazie per chi mi risponde e mi spiega anche come fare 

Peppe80 by New Community Member
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is any solutions?

I have a Zazzle seller account, but I haven't received any payments. They told me that there is a problem with my PayPal account, Has one of you experienced this and is any solutions?

PayPal help

Hello, everyone.Last night my friend accidentally sent money to someone because my name and the other person's name are similar. How can we get the money back? Please help us