link my bank with paypal


hello , i tried link my bank with paypal but i cant .. every time i press Add card or bank , show me only add cards no banks ( i tried from 2 computer and phone )

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Normally you have to add a local bank account to a Paypal account but that option is not available in every country so you would have the 'add a card' option instead.
However Paypal allows a U.S bank account to be added to most countries Paypal accounts as Paypal is a U.S company. This is for the convenience of their citizens working or living abroad.

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Thanks for the reply, but I previously linked my bank account months ago without any problem..but I changed the bank and I want to link it again
but i cant because no bank option 
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Hey everyone! Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum! Thank you @kernowlass for helping out on this thread. We appreciate it!


Hi @elamineh, thanks for visiting! I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues adding your bank to your PayPal account. I found the following Help Center article you may find useful: Why can't I link a bank account to my PayPal account?


If you're still having issues adding your bank after that, please reach out to our Customer Support for assistance.


I hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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I tried to link my bank account with PayPal after entering wrong transaction details they send to me to put on and activate my account. Now it is not accepting the same bank account. And also I'm trying to add debit card that one it is not accepting.
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