PayPal adds wrong bank account via provided routing number.

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I added a bank account to my PayPal by manually searching for it, verified the routing numbers, etc., tried adding in both the app, as well as two browsers with same results. After adding a bank, it’s a local bank in MN, it shows in my list as another bank I have never heard of from Arizona. PayPal asks me to ‘log in’ to verify but I don’t have an account with them. I don’t believe two banks can share a routing number to create this ‘glitch’?
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Hello @Vski_77


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues adding a bank recently. Normally, the name of the bank is received from the routing number you input. Have you contacted your bank to make sure the routing number you input is 100% correct? If it is, you should be good to manually confirm the bank and then use the bank as a funding source. 

However, you can also add the bank's debit card (as long as it's a Visa or MC debit) onto your PayPal account to fund your transactions as well. 


I hope that helps! Please don't hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support teams if you run into any hiccups along the way. 


 - Jon K

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