No "Link a bank" on Paypal wallet



I previously had my bank account linked to my Paypal account. My bank details changed which caused a transfer I sent from Paypal to my bank to fail. The money was returned to my Paypal and the bank account was removed. Paypal sent me an email about this saying that I can re-add the bank account with the correct details.

However, it seems that I can't add a bank account to my paypal. In wallet I see "Link a card" but no "Link a bank account". 
I cleared cookies, changed browsers and device, nothing!

Screenshot 2023-12-19 044845.pngScreenshot 2023-12-19 044905.png

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This often happens, if you have had a failed bank transfer or negative balance then paypal remove the link between them and your bank to prevent it happening again. I have never known anyone be able to re-link it again so to do so you may have to reach out to customer services and see if they will re-link it for you.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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