Link bank accounts from two different countries

Why can I not link bank accounts from two different countries. I’ve moved overseas but must keep my bank account open in my old country and wish to maintain one PayPal account with all accounts accessible and completely useable (from old and new countries). Upon contacting customer service I was told to create a new PayPal account in my new country but may not use my current email address. I do not want a new email address nor a new PayPal account.
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Paypal is country specific so if you move countries you have to close your old Paypal account and open a new Paypal account registered in the country where you now live. You would then need to add an address / phone number / bank accounts / cards from within that country.

You are allowed x2 paypal accounts but only if x1 is personal and the other x1 is business, if you have 2 of the same type you risk them both being limited. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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