I cant get my money back on my prepaid credit card

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So i had a 4 dollars prepaid visa wich i added on paypal because i couldnt really use it with all that 3ds verification so when i added it on paypal it required a verification wich took 2 dollars and i didnt figure it out the first time so i did it twice so evidently now i have no money on that card and it was supposed to be refounded in 24 hours or so it said but its been over 24 hours and my money hasnt come back so now i have no money on that card

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Hi @David932


Thank you for your post and for joining the Community! I'm sorry to hear that you have not yet received the money back that has been used to authorize or confirm your card. I'll be happy to help provide some information.


It sounds like when you added your card initially, there was an authorization each time to confirm that the card is a legitimate payment source. This is different from the confirmation charge that gets refunded when the confirmation is complete. An authorization is just a hold on a dollar, and is released after about 5 days by the card issuing bank.


I hope this helps!




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