How to set up an account (e.g., verify identity) to send/receive crypto?


Hello! I am trying to get my crypto wallet all set up for sending/receiving. I receive the text for identity confirmation, I'm told everything's ready to go, and then it stops with a "We're unable to verify your identity" error and asks me to talk to Customer Service. I've been using PayPal for 24 years, but they can't verify my identity?


Unfortunately, the Customer Service bot has no idea what it's talking about and apparently "all our agents are currently offline". Forever.


Thanks for the help!



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PayPal is trying to steal people money by not allowing them to send the crypto that they've just bought . seems like they would like you to panic and sell the crytpo you've just bought so that they can get processing fees from the transactions. Its no reason why i should be able to buy the crypto from my bank account flawlessly and not be able to send it flawlessly. the fake error message is played out. Most people are on to what you guys are doing . I'd never do real business with PayPal because i see right through their deceit! DO BETTER PAYPAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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