Difficulty Removing Bank account and Debit card

Hello, I was on the PayPal website and from the website I unlinked my debit card and my bank account from my account. I got an email that said I removed my debit card but not my bank account and when I go on the app and go to my wallet, it just says "Your bank accounts and cards didn't load. Pull down to refresh page" I refreshed multiple times but nothing happened. So I waited a few hours and still nothing changed. I didn't get any email confirming I had removed it and it still didn't load any of information. On the website, it shows that my banks and cards and nothing is there but on the PayPal app and Business app they do not show and just fail to load. This is a big problem for me at the moment. If you know how to fix this, please reply. Thank you.
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Esteemed Advisor





You may not be able to remove a card if there's a pending transaction, or if your card was used as the backup funding source for a recent payment. Wait a few days and try again.




If you’re unable to remove your bank, it may be because:

  • There’s a payment or transfer that is pending or still processing. Wait a few days and try again.
  • There’s a limitation on your PayPal account. Resolve the limitation and try again.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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@kernowlass But the thing is, I checked on the business app just now and it says I have no bank accounts or cards linked. Same with the website. But with the main app it just says failed to load. Could that mean a limitation on my account?
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