Difficulty Adding Bank Account to my PayPal


Hello, I have an active business PayPal account, right? And just the other day, I wanted to add a new bank account to it. But every time I tried, it just kept redirecting me back to the home page. Strange, huh? Then I thought, maybe I'll try adding a second card instead. And you know what? It worked like a charm!

But here's the kicker: I've been trying to reach out to customer support about this whole bank account issue, and I can't seem to get through to anyone. What gives? Do you think there might be some limitations or restrictions on my account that I don't know about? It's a bit frustrating, to be honest.

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Man, I've been busting my chops trying to get through to a customer support agent—sending messages, making phone calls, you name it. And what do they do? They put you on hold, then bam, the call hangs up! It's like crickets on the other end! They're lightning-fast at slapping us with fees for every little thing, but when you need to talk to a real person, it's a freaking nightmare of waiting that seriously tests my patience. It's enough to drive anyone up the wall!

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