Connect PayPal to bank account from another country

Hello, so I made a business account in Austria (country where I'm living and where my business is) and I wanted to add my business bank account. I made an account at the bank N26 and they only have German Accounts so my IBAN is different to an Austrian one. Is it possible to have an Austrian PayPal Account with a German bank account connected?
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Paypal is country specific so you have to open a paypal account in the country you reside in and add an address / phone number / bank accounts / cards from within that country.

You can however in most countries add a U.S bank account (not card) to your paypal account. This is because paypal is a U.S company and allows that option for U.S Paypal account holders working in other countries.

However paypal equally does not support virtual / digital banks.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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