Can't add bank account to paypal after converting to business


I recently converted my paypal account to business as I intend to serve and receive invoices as a business, not as a private individual in the future, but whenever I try adding my business bank account, I just get the error message.




I have followed all the steps that I could find. The name of the paypal account is the same as the bank account, the country both accounts are set to is the same. The bank is even the same that I had successfully had a personal account linked to before and I've been "trying again later" for a week.


What gives?

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Hello @darjanator


Welcome! Thanks for joining PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues adding a bank. Have you tried the steps listed here: Why can't I link a bank account to my PayPal account?

If you're still running into issues adding your bank, please reach out to our Customer Support teams for assistance. 


Best wishes, 


 - Jon K

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Thanks for replying. I have followed all of those steps. I will be contacting the support team, but I was hoping to not have to call as that's the only option available.

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