Balance still negative after money being withdrown from bank account

New Community Member

Some time ago I noticed I had a negative balance. I made sure my bank account was linked to my PaPal account, and the money hae been withdrown by my bank, but have not shown up in my PayPal balance. It's been almost two weeks, and it is still the exact same it would be if the money have not been withdrawn from my bank. Anyone else ever had this problem?

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Normally takes 5-7 working days.

If its left your bank and not showing in paypal after that complete 2 weeks then your best bet is to firstly check with your bank and see if they can locate or recall it as paypal can't do much on a payment that they haven't received.

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New Community Member
Well... This happened to me, but while my balance was still negative, I received a payment through PayPal. And PayPal took that money to balance the account. But the money withdraw from my account still didn't show up in my PayPal. Will the money be add to the current balance?
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did you read my above post?

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