4 digit code has not arrived


It's been almost 7 days now, still my 4 digit code has not arrived, when will it arrive, I can't tell if it will arrive.

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Hello @Robiul665 


Welcome and thanks for posting in the PayPal Help Community!


I am sorry to know that you've run into some issues with receiving the 4-digit code to complete the confirmation process of your card. When you initiate the confirmation process, PayPal will make a small charge to your card and the charge including the 4-digit PayPal code will appear on your card statement within 2-3 business days. If you don't see the code after the time frame, please check with your card issuer or try again to request the code for the second time. A new PayPal code may be requested up to 3 times. I recommend checking this article for more information on confirming your card in PayPal : How do I confirm my credit or debit card with PayPal?

I hope the information provided is able to assist you,


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