vendor automatic access without confirmation


Hello I just made a payment on a vendor site where i have previously made a payment, but this time when I made the payment the vendor site did not route me to a paypal login/confirmation, it just took the payment directly. I never authorised them to have permanent access to my paypal. They said i cannot remove the link to my paypal account for another 30 days as per their policy. So I just changed the status of the vendor account on paypal to "inactive". Can someone confirm/reassure me that this means the next time someone tried to make a payment to this vendor with my paypal that they will have to enter the paypal password and confirm on the paypal site? Many thanks.

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Esteemed Advisor



Do you mean you went to your 'subscriptions or pre approved payments' and made the company in there inactive?

If so then yes you would need to log in next time but they may do the same thing again.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Hi thanks a lot for your reply. Yes that's what i did.

They could only do that again if i processed another payment with them though? They couldn't just spontaneously get access without me doing anything?


(I asked them to provide me with proof that i agreed to them having automatic "one-click" access, which they can as i didn't. Its a really huge well known company, Im thinking of pursuing a formal legal complaint.)

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