transaction was completed by thunes, no money received in paypal


Hello, just withdrew monwy to my safaricom and guess what. The tramsaction was to take minutes and now its days before receiving the money. I do not know where the money is. Its not in my paypal account either. The transaction was completed by thunes. Has any one faced the samw problem and where you able to receive your money? , after how long?

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Hello @Lawrence256 


Welcome to the PayPal Help Community and thanks for posting here!


I am sorry to know that your Top up hasn't reached your PayPal balance from your Thunes account. Top Ups to your PayPal account will generally be processed in real time, but may take up to 4 hours. If your PayPal balance is not in USD, you will need to log in to your PayPal account to confirm the top up request. If the money is not in your balance after the time frame, please get in touch with the Thunes support team as well as PayPal support team to check this further.


Good luck,


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