inactive status unable to toggle back to active

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I 'inactivated' payment to Apple Icloud - accidently - I underestand there is no option to 'toggle' and re activate and that I need to reset on 'Icloud' on I cloud I am offered 're subscribe' and this fails due to being 'inactive' I'm going around in circles HELP - I'm hesitant to do anything on icloud incase I loose everything - unable to 'contact' icloud - seems only to be FAQ's 


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Hello @chezDev 


Congratulations for your first post in the PayPal Help Community!


I see you're looking to reactivate your subscription with Apple Icloud. You cannot reactivate a subscription after cancelling it. I recommend you to contact the Apple support team to get it reactivated again.


Have a great day!


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I know this is an old thread but I had a similar issue and wanted to share the resolution for others who might be searching for a solution to this issue.

My auto pay was moved to inactive for a merchant.  I was instructed to contact the merchant and establish a new user agreement for my PayPal account.  The merchant was not displaying PayPal as an option, because my bank account was no longer confirmed for this merchant.  PayPal support confirmed the bank account associated with my PayPal account and this resolved the issue.

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