failed order but charge shows in the PayPal account


I paid thrice for one thing, but all failed, they didn’t show in the order history, but showed in my PayPal account. I asked the brand chatting, they also didn’t find any order I made, so when can I get my money back

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi @yulu 

Thanks for your post and welcome to PayPal community!

I'm sorry to hear that you encountered difficulties with the purchase. The failed transaction won't result in any charges for you. If the payment status reads completed from your end, this indicates that the transaction was successful. If the merchant is not helping you with a refund you can file a dispute by following the steps

I hope this information was helpful!

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hi, they still show pending now but in my bank account was no hold, but didn’t show any records. The store didn’t receive any order but I don’t know why money charged. I tried to report a problem, but it showed “Looks like something went wrong on our end”. If it always show pending, can I have my money back after 30 days? thank you.
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Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear a recent purchase hasn't transacted quite as you had expected. Thank you @shan06 for your help on this one. We appreciate it!


@yulu, welcome! I can certainly understand how concerning this must be. Normally, you would have to wait until the transactions complete and are no longer pending before you can open a dispute on them. If they are pending, that may be the reason the merchant doesn't see anything on their side. The merchant would see the pending transaction in their PayPal account, but it most likely wouldn't reflect in the store's system until the payment is completed. 


With that in mind, it may be best to reach out to our Customer Support teams to review the transaction together. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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