Why wont i receive payments?

New Community Member
So essentially everytime money is to be spent to my paypal it doesnt send. On the sender's side it says that the payment is "unclaimed", but I am yet to find a way to "claim" my money. I know that it is not an issue on the sender's behalf, does anybody know anyway to help this.
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the same problem

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Hello @csmyth664 and @anwar0123

Welcome to the PayPal Community; congrats on your first post! 

I understand you're both having trouble receiving payments, and I'm sorry to hear that. Unclaimed payments are typically caused by not having a confirmed email or phone number. Please visit the following Help Center articles to learn how to confirm both. 

How do I confirm my email address?
How do I confirm my mobile phone number with PayPal?

After confirming both, you'll also want to ensure your account is verified and your identity is confirmed. Once you've completed these steps, your payments will be automatically claimed. If you receive payments before confirming your email or phone number, as long as you confirm them before they're returned to the sender, they'll link to your account within 24 hours. If they do not link to your account, the sender either canceled the payment or they were automatically returned after 30 days. 

I hope this information and the Help Center links I've included help you both start accepting payments soon! 

- Meghan

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