When I click on the seller in automatic payments I get a blank page

I have this problem. I go to wallet, automatic payments and I see the list of sellers where I have currently automatic payments. I click on a seller, I get a blank page (for every seller). I cannot post a screenshot because the app does bot allow to take screenshots. So I cannot change my automatic payments card and cannot see what payment method is used on each seller. I tried deleting app cache but it did not work. Is there a bug? I am on Android 13, Google pixel 4a
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Hello @JemCam777,


Welcome to PayPal Community forum and thank you for posting!


I am sorry to know about the issues that you're facing while viewing automatic payments and I understand this can be frustrating. I know how important it is to have your account running smoothly. If you wish to view and update the automatic payments, I would recommend you to use a computer by following the steps in this Help Center Article to see if that works. If you still are facing the same issue, you can contact the team by clicking the "Contact us" option at the bottom of PayPal page. Support is also available through Facebook by sending PM, Twitter and Instagram on DM.




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