What does "Paid with xxxxx - Your backup is xxxxx" mean?


Dear all,


I removed my card. On one of the transaction was mentioned the following:


  •  "Paid with xxxxx - Your backup is xxxxx"

What does back up mean? Will they substract the money from the back up account mentioned?


Thank you

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Hello @riiki1

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community! 

I apologize for the confusion caused by your recent transaction. When you see the line "Paid with xxxxx - Your backup is xxxxx", that means the first payment method mentioned is what was used to fund the payment. However, if that payment method is declined, then the second one mentioned would be debited to cover the amount owed. If you've already noticed that the money was pulled from that first payment method, you don't need to worry about it being debited from the backup. 

Please note that removing your card after a payment is made will not cancel the transaction or prevent it from being used as a backup payment method. It would prevent it from being used with any future transactions, though. 

I hope this helps clear up any confusion! 

- Meghan

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