What are the limits for not confirmed card on verified PayPal account


Hi , I have verified PayPal and not confirmed debit card. What are the limits for not confirmed card on verified PayPal account?

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Hello @DonVitalio


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum, this is a great question. There's no specific set limits when you haven't confirmed your card on a Verified account. However, you may be asked to confirm it at sometime along the way by our security system. If it's something you may be worried about, it's best to confirm it now so it doesn't get in the way in the future. 


Apologies for any inconvenience that may present, 


 - Jon K

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What if my bank refuse $1.95 charge due to MCC 8999 code. I able to see paypal code in failed payment but there is no place to enter this code in card properies. Can my card be charged using other MCC? Also it's impossible to contact paypal support.

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