Unable to use paypal credit

I have tried for the last 2 days to buy items using PayPal credit. With no success. I have contacted both the credit department and PayPal department. All is in order. All information is correct on the account with no limitations. I have the credit set as default in the wallet. I have tried multiple stores listed by PayPal. Funny.. my wife has her own account and has no issues.
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If you have a new PayPal account OR you don't use your PayPal account frequently, that seems to be a main reason you won't be able to use PayPal Credit.


Even though people get approved for PayPal Credit, it's definitely a unique credit product for the fact that you are not always able to use it. I was approved almost a month ago for PayPal Credit with a $1200 credit limit and fortunately for me I have always been able to use it for everything. But I also use PayPal all the time. 


I can see though how people can be frustrated with this, because I'm sure some people wouldn't have applied for it if they knew that wouldn't be able to use it a lot or not at all.

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