Unable to transact with ICICI Rupay platinum credit card

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Hi, I had to make urgent transaction to send money from ICICI Rupay platinum coral credit card. It was checked for security limits etc and it was perfect. When the card was added paypal did the 1$ verification which also went through. However when i tried the actual transfer it was constantly declined. I tried even a low amount like 10$. The message was that there was something wrong and to check with my bank. Then I was on long call with the bank and their answer was that paypal was not passing the CVV required for Indian transaction to be validated and so it is getting declined. While linking up the card the CVV etc was very much updated. Now as a consumer what am i supposed to do.

Secondly the 1$ payment was sent as USD and so it did not look for any validation but the transfer amount was always coming as INR and so CVV validation was must. So why paypal is not passing the CVV info in the transaction - 


finally i executed it using an AMEX card which went through instantly. Also india issued Amex cards go as dollars.

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