Unable to contact a human to resolve issue adding funds

New Community Member

Hello. I spend the last hour trying to speak to someone at Paypal, as I am unable to add finds or pay anyone. (Does not let be add a value)
However, every time I phone and verify with 6 digit code and am told I need to speak to a Human, then they just cut me off. Its happened 4 times this morning. Is this a common issue?

I really dont know how to resolve this (I have verified bank and debit card on Paypal)

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



How are you trying to add funds? Have you linked and confirmed a bank account with the 4 digit code?

Does the name and address details on your bank account exactly match your paypal account information?


Have you added funds before?

You do realise you never have to add funds to your balance as a buyer don't you?

If you have added and confirmed a bank account or card then paypal will auto-deduct directly from them during checkout.


You can change from one to the other before you click to pay OR you can set the one you want used here....

Click on the profile tab (icon next to log out) > Click on payments third option along on the thick blue band top of page > second down click on update next to your preferred way to pay and put a dot in one of the options listed.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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New Community Member

Yes bank and Card are verified correctly. Added new card today with 4 digit code also
My Paypal account does not let be change the 0.00 value when paying someone (Cannot be edited) and I have same issues 0.00 when trying to add funds from verified bank account

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



You have a business account so does the card and bank details match your business details on your paypal account?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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New Community Member

Yes, If I login they are using same address as card/bank. There is an old business address, it wont let me delete it, but the correct addresses that match cards are on the account... I guess if there was a human to actually speak with at PayPal, I was thinking that I could have resolved it.

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