Unable to Withdraw


Please someone here help me find out exactly what is going on with my account.


I have been trying to withdraw my money since Sunday and your system keeps responding to me with the message "There’s a problem - Right now, we’re not able to transfer the funds to your bank." I had a chat with one of your consultants on Monday and she thinks the problem might be at my end but, my consultation with the bank at my side says that my card is OK.

Moreover, I tried with different cards from different banks, I even tried to associate other cards and none of this helped - your system did not allow me to associate some cards. What other ways can use to withdraw my money from Mozambique, since PayPal does not issue their debt cards even??


Please find me an urgent solution to this matter. @withdrawalissue @Withdrawal @Withdrawal 

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Esteemed Advisor



You only have the card withdrawal option in your country, and I think but am not sure that you have to use a credit visa.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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