Trouble transferring money into paypal from bank.


Trying to transfer money from my bank debit card to my PP acct. Get error message: "We’re having trouble with this transaction. Try again with another debit card or bank account." Tried it with 2 banks. Got the same message with both. And there's money in the bank.

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Have you set up a balance account and added or received funds before?

Have you confirmed your visa or mastercard debit card to your paypal account as per link?

and if its a bank account....

Does the billing address of the card match your paypal account address? Does the names on banks/cards and Paypal account match? 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Yes, I have set up a balance account and added or received funds before.

Yes, I have confirmed my visa debit card is linked to my paypal account.

Yes. the billing address of my card matches my paypal account address.

Yes, the name on my bank cards and Paypal account match.

I have transferred money many times from both cards with no problem.

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Sometimes trying with another browser works with these techie glitches.

OR if using the app use the web or vice versa.

If still no luck then clear your cache / wait 72 hours and try again.

Failing all that contact customer services for help.


Contact options for each countries Paypal customer services are accessed by clicking help/contact bottom left of Paypal pages.

1. Paypal phones (you can use the guest option if you can't log in).
2. Live chat is also randomly available.
3. You can send them a message, (during business hours you may also be able to message whilst logged out).
4. Have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a private direct message via Social Media on Facebook, Twitter/X, or Instagram pages.

Good luck.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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