Transfer my money to my debit card denied

Hello, I have the same problem. I'm from Kazakhstan, a have a visa card. So when I tried to transfer my money to my debit card, there was an error, that the transfer was denied. I'd be glad if you help to find out the problem. I confirmed my email address, made a password, but it still says there is a some problem and paypal can't transfer that cash into my debit
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In some countries you can only withdraw to a visa credit card.

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I know, but many people from my country transact their money to visa debit card. maybe the reason is the paypal? I can't find any more reasons.
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Hello @kasssuyon 


Thank you for posting your question in the PayPal Help Community!


Sorry to know that you've run into some issues with transferring money to your debit card. There are some cards that are not eligible for withdrawals. Have you initiated a withdrawal to your card before? If yes, please check if you've confirmed your debit card and no pending actions reflecting in the resolution center or notifications tab of your PayPal account. If the issue persists, please try to process the withdrawal to a different card. 


Thanks for your help @kernowlass!

I hope this information helps,


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