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I have been trying to withdraw funds from my PayPal... through PayPal mpesa but it just keep saying and I quote...oops the transaction cannot be completed kindly help
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As you haven't added your country to your profile (so we can see when we hover over your username) or said in your post which country you are in so unfortunately its hard for us to advise.
Paypal varies a great deal country to country so you need to tell us where you are on this worldwide community forum.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Hello @gdensky


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. If your are trying to transfer funds through MPesa, is your PayPal account registered in Kenya? If so, I'd first recommend clearing your browser's cache, cookies, and history to see if that helps. After that, I'd recommend making sure your information on exactly matches between the two services, including your name, email address, etc. You can normally complete a simple minor name change here or update any other necessary info in your PayPal Settings. Here's also a great FAQ Page for MPesa if you have any further questions. 


I hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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