Think I got scammed

So I was on a website where they sell military uniform items. Thought it was legit so I purchased two items and when I went to pay, it kept taking me to a PayPal page so I went through with it. When I got the invoice in my email, it said some woman’s name and realized it might’ve been a scam. I clicked the “view invoice” in my email and it took me to a page where it said PayPal removed the invoice because they suspect it’s a scam. And then, when I went into my PayPal app, under Wallet>Activity, it says “invoice received - failed” with the transaction amount next to it crossed out. Does this mean the transaction was cancelled? There is a pending transaction for this in my bank account. Should I dispute it if gets posted? Thanks
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PayPal is a scam
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If the invoice wasn't paid then the funds should drop off back to your funding source in a few days.


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