Preferred payment method changed--without permission!


Today (Jan 15) I got a msg that my bank account was in overdraft.

When I was finally able to log in to it, I found that an automatic payment set up through PayPal had come out.  

I've checked my PayPal activity.  On Jan 8, another automatic payment came out--through my credit card, which I have set as my preferred payment option.

Why did it change over?  I got caught last year when I clicked a wrong button during a payment and the next couple came out of my bank account, but I fixed that more than 6 months ago, and several automatic payments have come out correctly since then!


I've tried reporting this issue, but all the report functions for automatic payments focus on the service being paid for, not PayPal.



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 At the time a transaction is attempted, a review is done by Paypals internal security model used to identify any risk and they may change the payment method if there's any risk found during the internal review. 

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This is unacceptable without some notice.  If your Security Team flags a potential issue with a customer's credit card that causes a change to how their transactions are charged they should be notified immediately.  

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I can understand review for internal security, but I have been active on my PP account, regularly, they've been quite happy to use my preferred payment method for nearly a year, and there was no notification that they had decided to change it.

They have to notify customers if they are making such changes.

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I second this.  This change caused me to incur an overdraft fee with my bank because i wasn't anticipating the withdrawl. Should've hit my credit card.  Now who's responsible for this? Paypal is an absolute mess with this.  

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