Pending transactions

Hi, two friends of mine sent me money so I can close a deal for us on airbnb,all of us are from Israel. The transfers are pending Apparently because PayPal wants me to add shipping information although I’m not selling anything. I need the money as fast as possible to close the deal, what’s the solution for this?
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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee


Hi @Or_Saban


Thank you for your post and welcome to the Community Forum! I'm sorry to hear that your payments are on hold and that it is causing you inconvenience. 


You can learn more about why the payments are held in this Help Center Article. If you go to the transaction details and click to add tracking, you will see options. There will be one that indicates that the delivery of the item or service has been completed. Then the sender of the payment can confirm that they have received the goods or services on their end, and the funds will release shortly thereafter. 


I hope this helps!




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