Paypal denying FOLD CARD payments for credit card payments


FOLD is a prepaid debit card. I have been successful at specifically paying my Capital One Credit card with my Fold Card for several months and my first trouble incident was back on Dec 27 2022. I initiated a payment investigation with Capital Once Credit Card division on Jan 4th 2023 and suddenly on Jan 11th 2023 the payment posted to Capital One and Capital One closed their investigation without finding out anything useful as they just showed that the payment posted.


Now this March many others as well as myself are running into issues paying our credit card payments with our Fold card. Our Fold card is not showing to be the problem. Our biller (in my specific case being Capital One) isn't the problem. So it seems that Paypal is the problem. Chatting with paypal has also had them saying the Fold payment method has been blocked due to security reasons which makes no sense.


Also on top of all of that, in my specific situation as well as others, we have the bill we're trying to pay only wanting to be paid with the Fold card yet when trying to submit the payment paypal seems to go in and set the Fold card as the back up and uses other payments on file or the "paypal balance" as the main payment method even though that wasn't authorized. Shouldn't have to say that that is wrong on all parts.


Paypal needs to get this fixed or just come out and let us know our preferred way of paying is just not going to be allowed anymore and we can be done and I'll move and others will move their business elsewhere.

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More lies from PayPal
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I’m **bleep** if they don’t get this resolved. I just transferred over 4k to my fold account to pay off my credit card and the payment won’t go through. Now I won’t be able to make the full payment if this doesn’t get resolved. I’ve done this for the past several months and am now totally blindsided. A heads up from PayPal would have been nice!
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Sorry for more bad news, but I was automatically sending funds from Chase Bank to FOLD every week.  Now that I can't pay any bills with paypal billpay using FOLD, I tried to send the money back from FOLD/Sutton to Chase today and just got a call from the Chase Fraud dept who denied the transaction, so I am stuck with funds on FOLD intended to pay bills.   

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PayPal support just told me that it was my credit card company that is denying the transaction.
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You can talk to 5 different PayPal CSRs and get 10 different answers...they're clueless and provably so.


I just payed my Citibank (Costco Credit Card) and Synchrony (PayPal's very own credit card) Credit Cards over the phone using the Fold Debit card. I've also been told that Chase will let you pay via debit card at any of their branded ATMs, but for some stupid reason, they don't allow debit card payment over the phone/app/websites.

So, our double-dipping on CCs/Fold can still work, it's now just a PITA and takes twice as long to accomplish, but still worth it, in my opinion.


I'm going to try to pay my mortgage and utility expenses through the PayPal Bill-Pay app after the 1st to see if those still work. I've read from some that those type of expenses are still clearing without issue, but we'll see. It appears the main issue is with paying off credit cards through the PayPal Bill-Pay app using prepaid debit cards that's not working. Paypal needs to fix this BS, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I tried to pay my car payment and mortgage today, both failed.
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I used to pay my Amazon Chase card in person at a Chase branch using my Fold Debit Card with no issues.  Not ideal, but might be an option to work through your Sutton Account.

For anyone using FOLD to pay a CITI Credit Card, the payment by phone process still works.

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FYI - just stopped into a Chase Bank to pay my credit card using FOLD, just like I did before using PayPal, and while the transaction went rewards.  Another one bites the dust?

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"Sorry for more bad news, but I was automatically sending funds from Chase Bank to FOLD every week. Now that I can't pay any bills with paypal billpay using FOLD, I tried to send the money back from FOLD/Sutton to Chase today and just got a call from the Chase Fraud dept who denied the transaction, so I am stuck with funds on FOLD intended to pay bills." I'm in the same situation. Chase fraud said they don't allow withdrawing from other accounts into Chase through "the Chase app" (I did it through the website.) and the feature has been disabled. Obviously it wasn't actually disabled on their app or webapp, but they claim it is. I'll have to pull funds from elsewhere until money comes out due to PayPal and Chase both causing problems.
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