Paypal charged wrong account

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PayPal just sent a payment to someone from the account that IS NOT my preferred account and I can’t figure out why or how to correct it now? Is this fraudulent somehow? Is my bank account at risk?
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 Every time a payment is processed through PayPal, it goes through a series of filter for the possibility of risk. If the system deems risk, it may temporarily block the payment or change the payment method. When this happens, it's not a reflection of you or your account activities, but rather the system have noticed a pattern associated with higher-than-normal risk.

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If PayPal determines that the payment is a risk, why go through with the charge at all? That makes no sense whatsoever. I recently had the same thing happen. I have YouTube TV and they charge every month and have been for a couple of years now. This month, the payment was sent to my alternate account - which happens to be bank account instead of a credit card. I only have the bank account to transfer money, it should never be billed to or from. 

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I just had the same issue. After calling PP multiple times, I finally reached a human.  She said that I had no preferred account chosen and that the vendor agreement was at fault.  This makes no sense.  Now I'm being charged $27 for a $10 purchase.  PP is awful now. 


I think it's best not to use them at all.  

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My preferred payment method is to use my PayPal balance.

I need to know particularly when they decide to debit my checking account,

so that I don't get the checking account overdrawn paying other important bills.


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They should only debit other accounts if your paypal balance is too low.  My issue is, they randomly chose my non-preferred account and then lied about it.  

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Hello @rightwinger4evr 

Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum.

I do understand that your payments are being taken from the non-preferred payment method. Please read this article to setup your preferred payment method. You can reach out to the Support Team during business hours by clicking the contact us option at the bottom of PayPal page for any additional help. If your unable to login or are not in access of your PayPal account, you can connect with us via phone call as "as a Guest" (this does not require you to sign in to your PayPal account).

Hope this helps you!

Warm Regards,


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You don't understand. I already had a preferred account. Paypal ignored it. When I called, they told me that I have to arrange how to pay with the vendor, which is false. If I call the vendor that is charging PayPal and tell them to make sure it comes from my active checking account, they'll laugh. I set my preferred account years ago, but PayPal ignored it and cost me $30 in overdraft for a $10 charge. What's weird is, the other charges before and after all came from my preferred account. I have disconnected all of my bank accounts to avoid the bad service and costs in the future.
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