Paypal changes my received funds in Dollars to Euros without my permit

New Community Member


At the moment I am really mad. I just found out that the last to transfers in dollars to my account in the last 2 months have been changed to Euros. I did not give any permit to that. When I have 2 currency accounts (in dollars and in Euros) that's for a reason. If I receive funds in Euros I want them to stay in Euros and when in dollars I want them to stay in dollars. I changed from Payoneer to Paypal to retrieve funds this two months and I will be going back to Payoneer for this bad management actions . 

It is really unacceptable that you get your funds converted without notice or permission from the account holders part. 

Anyone knows if this is normal? And if so can it be changed or even if I have a dollar account everything I receive will be changed automatically to dollars because I live in an EU country?

So disappointed with Paypal

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