Payment unsuccessful when buying watchface or an app from the Google store.

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I want to buy watch faces and apps from my Google account using my paypal account.
I have attached my paypal account to my google account

I have contacted Paypal customer service. Representative was very friendly but couldn't help me because there seems to be notihg wrong with my account. Her advice was to contact Google. 

The solution from Google is 





Thank you for contacting Google Support. We hope this email finds you well.


Issue status

We understand that you reached out about your declined transaction. We’re sure that must've been frustrating. Your Google order was canceled because you selected PayPal as the payment method, and we didn't get successful authorization from them.


So i'm left in the middle and cannot use it anymore.
I have remove paypal from my google account and linked it again but no solution.


Any suggestions?

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi, @ChrisVrolijk 

Thanks for your post and welcome to PayPal community!

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble making the payment. I would like to inform you that transaction-specific information can only be given by our support. I would suggest you to please try contacting our support again. Please let them know the information that Google support provided to see if it aids in troubleshooting the issue.

I hope this information was helpful!

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